Territory and biodiversity

Discover the biodiversity of the province of Padua and help us protect it

Welcome to our Hotel, immersed in the heart of a territory that is rich in history, culture and unique biodiversity.

The province of Padua, with its natural landscapes and protected reserves, is a true paradise of biodiversity. For centuries, this land has hosted an extraordinary variety of animal and plant species that, together, create a balanced and vital ecosystem.

Our commitment to sustainability is not limited to reducing the enviromental impact of our Hotel, we also wnat to raise awareness among our guests on the importance of preserving local biodiversity. The nature around us is a treasure to be protected and each one of us can do their part.

Why is biodiversity important?

Each plant, tree, animal and insect plays a fundamental role in keeping the balance of the ecosystem. Biodiversity helps environmental health, betters the quality of air and water and sustains local agriculture. Protecting local species is a guarantee for the sustainability of our future.

The Regional Park of Colli Euganei: a natural treasure

A few steps from our Hotel is the Regional Park of Colli Euganei, one of the most important protected areas in the province of Padua. This park is home to over 1500 species of plants and numerous animals, including deers, falcons and rare species of amphibians. Its volcanic hills, centuries-old woods and wetlands offer refuge to an extraordinary biodiversity that deserves to be discovered and protected.

The Ca’ di Mezzo Oasis: a refuge for aquatic species

Located in the municipality of Codevigo, the Ca’ di Mezzo Oasis are a humid ecosystem of international importance, protected by the Ramsar Convention. These marshy areas, formed by the Brenta and the Bacchiglione rivers, represent a safe haven for aquatic birds such as herons, wild ducks and ibises. Thanks to natural trails and observatories, it’s possible to admire up close the interaction between water and land, which creates a habitat rich in life and biodiversity.

The Forest of Due Carrare: a green oasis in the plains

This beautiful forest located near the municipality of Due Carrare, is another example of protected biodiversity. Originally planted to recreate the ancient lowland forest of Padua, the forest is home to various species of native flora such as oaks, ashes and hornbeams, and is an ideal habitat form many animal species, including foxes, hares and various birds. Thanks to the hiking trails, you’ll be able to immerse yourself in a regenerating natural environment, discovering the importance of keeping these precious lands alive.

The Etnographic Park of Rubano: the union between man and nature

The Etnographic Park of Rubano is a special project that combines the conservation of biodiversity and the recovery of the ancient agricultural traditions of the area. Not only it protects a variety of species of local fauna and flora, but it also offers to visitors the opportunity to understand the balance between man and environment. The park is home to numerous educational activities and nature trails, which promote respect for nature and the importance of environmental sustainability.

The Springs of the Bacchiglione river: a treasure hidden in the water

Among the wonders of the province of Padua, there are also the Springs of the Bacchiglione river, an ecosystem of natural springs that gives life to clear and fresh waters. Located in the municipality of Veggiano and Selvazzano Dentrom they represent a fundamental habitat for various species of fish, amphibians and birds. Walking on the paths that run alongside these springs will allow you to discover a corner of uncontaminated nature where water plays a crucial role in the conservation of biodiversity.

How can you play your part?

During your stay, we invite you to explore our territory in an informed way. Choose activities that respect the environment, such as hiking or cycling, and support local businesses that promote sustainability. We are comitted to reducing our environmental impact through ecological practices, but the real difference is made by the small gestures of each one of us.

Together, we can protect the natural treasures of Padua and preserve them for the future generations.

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